We're here to help!
From deciding if the online cybersecurity bachelor’s degree is right for you to figuring out what credits transfer from previous schools, talking to a student success coach is the best place to start.
Your Student Success Team
Megan Henske
Student Success Coach
My favorite part of being a Student Success Coach is being your advocate and direct line of contact between you and Boise State University. I have over 9 years of experience working in higher education. I can’t wait to collaborate with you and figure out what next steps you can take to succeed in your future educational goals. Let’s talk and see if Boise State is a good fit for you!
My favorite part of being a Student Success Coach is being your advocate and direct line of contact between you and Boise State University. I have over 9 years of experience working in higher education. I can’t wait to collaborate with you and figure out what next steps you can take to succeed in your future educational goals. Let’s talk and see if Boise State is a good fit for you!
Cyber Program News
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Contact our enrollment and student success team for support by emailing us at CyberOnline@5054k.com, calling (208) 426-5921 or clicking the chat button.